⚑WLP (waveX Liquidity Pool)

What is WLP?

  • WLP stands for waveX Liquidity Pool, represented by a special LP (liquidity provider) token.

  • When users deposit assets such as ASTR, WETH, or USDC.e into waveX, they receive WLP tokens in return.

  • Holding WLP means you are supplying liquidity to waveX’s perpetual trading system and can earn a portion of the protocol’s fees as a reward.

Depositing and Withdrawing WLP


  • Go to the β€œEarn” section on waveX.

  • Enter the asset and amount you wish to deposit.

  • After confirming the transaction, you will receive an equivalent amount of WLP based on the value of the assets deposited.


  • To withdraw, you simply burn your WLP tokens.

  • You can choose which assets (e.g., ASTR, WETH, or USDC.e) you want to receive from the pool.

  • Partial or full withdrawals are possible at any time, giving you flexibility in managing your positions.

Last updated