β‘WLP (waveX Liquidity Pool)
What is WLP?
WLP stands for waveX Liquidity Pool, represented by a special LP (liquidity provider) token.
When users deposit assets such as ASTR, WETH, or USDC.e into waveX, they receive WLP tokens in return.
Holding WLP means you are supplying liquidity to waveXβs perpetual trading system and can earn a portion of the protocolβs fees as a reward.
Depositing and Withdrawing WLP
Go to the βEarnβ section on waveX.
Enter the asset and amount you wish to deposit.
After confirming the transaction, you will receive an equivalent amount of WLP based on the value of the assets deposited.
To withdraw, you simply burn your WLP tokens.
You can choose which assets (e.g., ASTR, WETH, or USDC.e) you want to receive from the pool.
Partial or full withdrawals are possible at any time, giving you flexibility in managing your positions.
Last updated